Oh, Beth, don't tell me you were rooting for Mexico. Even if you were, just don't tell me. :p I was watching the game with some school friends, and every time I saw Vinny, I had such an urge to tell them about how "Beth of the GBB loves this guy!" - I figured it wouldn't get much of a response, though...they just don't understand.
I think this was the first game that I caught in full, and it was such a frustrating one. I missed the one against Japan that was apparently won on a bad call, but after hearing about it, I guess it is good that Japan gets to advance.
It was so weird to cheer on guys like Chipper Jones, guys whom I normally despise...America is quite a great bond, if it inspires me to do that.
I almost cried as I watched Roger walk off the field. Deep down, I still have hope that he'll continue to play, but there's always the possibility that he doesn't. That could've very well been the end.