My Lakers made the playoffs My Lakers made the playoffs My Lakers made the playoffs My Lakers made the playoffs My Lakers made the playoffs My Lakers made the playoffs My Lakers made the playoffs My Lakers made the playoffs My Lakers made the playoffs My Lakers made the playoffs My Lakers made the playoffs My Lakers made the playoffs My Lakers made the playoffs My Lakers made the playoffs My Lakers made the playoffs My Lakers made the playoffs My Lakers made the playoffs My Lakers made the playoffs My Lakers made the playoffs My Lakers made the playoffs My Lakers made the playoffs My Lakers made the playoffs My Lakers made the playoffs My Lakers made the playoffs My Lakers made the playoffs!!!!!!!

I knew they could do it, but knowing doesn't take the excitement out of when it happened. So yayyyyy this means Wednesday night isn't the last Laker game, I get to see a little more of them (hopefully a couple of months' worth of more) before it's all over.

Some Phoenix fans were sitting by us, and they were pissed because we had the lead throughout the whole game. After the game, they were being so mean, they were like "It wasn't a real win for you guys because Nash wasn't even playing." My cousin was like, "So? I didn't tell him to sit out." Then he turns to me, he goes, "Did you?" I said no, and he turns back to the jerks and goes, "See? It's not our fault." Then I became even more of a jerk though, and I said, "In all fairness, it's true though-- he might have cut the Laker lead in half. Maybe we would have won by only ten points instead of the twenty points we beat them by."

But I pretended I was saying it in a nice way. It was trash-talking disguised as pleasant post-game discussion. :p I think that pissed them off even more, and one of them gave me a look that could kill, the other one cussed under his breath, and they left. Whatever yo, they started it. Don't start crap with Laker fans on their own court if you can't take it. Am I right? :p