I can't wait to see Rob Lowe tonight. I hope he does take a job at the White House. It appears Josh will be Chief of Staff, but I'm still hoping that he somehow is named VP.
The funeral last week was extremely sad, especially with Bartlett welling up as they carried Leo's coffin away. But I have to say I was hoping it would be more of an hour of retrospectives of Leo, not right back to business as usual. I think I actually cried more on on the previous episode where Leo died.
Can't wait for tonight. It appears Donna and Josh might actually touch..hahaha. Hopefully there won't but weeping tonight, Nicole got me a musical Phantom of the opera figurine, and it got me sentimental. I've been listening to the Phantom soundtrack all weekend it's very emotional. I guess I should have appreciated it more when we saw the play then I would have understood it more..hahaha. Am I the only one who was rooting for the Phantom? What can I say, I go for the bad boy.