What a crap game. My godfather and my uncle came over to watch with me, and they both blamed the Lakers' loss on me... "That's what you get for ditching class, thanks a lot." :rolleyes:

Oh well, at least this means there's one more home game I can go to, Thursday.
I hope Raja Bell gets suspended for what he did to Kobe... he put his arm around Kobe's neck from behind and brought him down. He got ejected from the game, but there better be some more consequences! Or else he better not leave his hotel room when they come to L.A. on Thursday... he'll get shot or beaten to a pulp. Or both.

Later in the interviews, he said "It was the heat of the moment, I overreacted a little bit." Yeah, just a little.
Did anyone see that fight on the field at the Angels game?!

Is it just me, or is it like the best thing ever to see a fight on a baseball field? I just saw it on ESPN a few minutes ago, and I'm still kinda laughing from it. It actually
cheered me up out of my bad mood from the Laker game.