Okay. I confess. I'm a YouTube addict. Not only that, but I'm a winekone addict. Let me explain.
"thewinekone" is a user on YouTube who posts video blogs, and he's got quite a large fan base - for good reason. He's really funny, and he's one of the few people that I've found on the site who can make talking into a webcam entertaining.
And somehow, he's also attractive, which even he claims to not understand. He's got a whiny voice (which he has pointed out), he supposedly is a nerd who never gets the chicks (which he has pointed out), and he supposedly doesn't make funny videos (which he has pointed out), but I find him hilarious. I don't know. You might not see what I see in him, but I know I'm not crazy, because he has a decent female following...it must be reverse pyschology.