Originally posted by Beth E:
Putting the other ps in a huff..

It's funny you say that, because I was just trying to think up a nice nickname/phrase for him.
I was actually laying in bed last night, running through every word I could think of that rhymes with Huff.
(And nobody believes I have sleeping problems...)
Huff is buff.
Huff's got the stuff.
Huff is tuff enuff. (Credit to the Fabulous Thunderbirds)
Morgan Ensberg was placed on the DL yesterday, after finally admitting to our manager that his shoulder has been killing him. There has been speculation about this for the longest, but Mo never allowed it to become a big issue - now that Huff's here to, for the most part, take over at third, it seems Ensberg was ready to come clean. I'm not so sure it's good to try to play through the pain if it hurts the team, but I think Morgan figured there weren't many other options. For that reason, I see him as such a strong and selfless player...God knows how long he's had to deal with the injury itself, not to mention tons of criticism regarding his "slump." To stick with it and play through all of his struggles must've taken a lot, and I have such respect for him for that.