Attention ladies (that includes you DMC ):

1) If you want to hit on a guy in the gangsterbb, you shouldnt tell him how hot he is and blah should FIGHT with him! thats right, because you know that if you start a fight SC will throw you both in the sandbox. And you know what's going on over there...they dont call it the "sandbox" for no reason...its dreamland baby.

2) NO, I will NOT tell you or show you pictures. This thread has gone downhill quite enough during the past 2 days, no wonder a decent woman like Mig is no longer posting...look what you did with all this dirty talk, you scared Mig guys are no fun!

3) You girls are wasting your time anyway with DMC - Everyone knows he belongs to JG. I mean who did you think shaved his legs before taking that picture JG posted last night?

4) I just remembered I always wanted to marry TIS as well, so she's coming with us to the honeymoon. Theres still one spot left on the boat. Who wants to hop in?

5) Ok, all jokes aside, I might have to leave the forum for a few months you guys have fun and....
DMC- you know Im just kiddin with ya, you're one of the best posters in this forum (and NO I dont want to be in your sig )
SB-thanks for the kind words. Sorry I didnt mention Jeter all day long...and I know theres no way you will ever forgive me...not with this sicilian thing o yours thats been going on for...
JG-are you still trying to find yourself in the Scarface game?I mean how hard can it be? you obviously show up near the end delivering the "say hello to me lil friend" OK Im banned for life
How can I unban myself? lets try this... :
JG...youre so hot, we'll have to buy ourselves special flameproof suits to be with you.
Ok, Im no longer banned, thanx SB
Gina- you still want to go on honeymoon or do you prefer the sandbox? think about it...think about...think....think about what your're tryin to do to me...think,think,think, let your mind go, let yourself be free ...
I ain't no psychiatrist, I ain't no gangster with degree
It don't take too many bullets to see what you're doing to me

(argggg, this 8 smiley limit to it JG! (imagine a big grin smiliey here)
Im banned again (here as well)
Got any new lines, SB? (yeah, one more)

"Come out and take it, you dirty, yellow-bellied rat, or I'll give it to you through the door!"

- James Cagney in "Taxi!" (1932)