You know, that whole DX-revived angle is tiring, and worse, it has no natural heat to it, which characterized the original incarnation.
I mean really, does anyone actually remember what the point of this feud is?
In a way, its like Pink Floyd's "reformation" following Roger Waters' departure. It performed as a glorified tribute band.
Sorry Irish, but its like those "strong rumors" that the WWE was going to sign up "X-Pac" back, along with the New Age Outlaws(with the story going around being that Triple H supported getting those two back until he heard that "Bad Ass Billy Gunn" threatened to beat Mr. H up the next time he saw him.

Better yet, the Edge/Cena feud has played itself out. The WWE needs to split these two up, and spend their wads on others.
I'll say this, Edge really carried Mr. Cena's ass in the ring incredibly. No wonder Chris Jericho openly pissed on Cena for "getting the silver platter treatment without having to work years for it" like himself and funny enough, Edge(who seems to play the heel part much more successfully than Cena as the babyface Stone Cold/Rock crappy hybrid hero).