Oh yeah and I forgot to mention that if Chelsea don't win the league (that's a big 'if') then coaching will be to blame. They've got the players to do it but judging by the Wigan game they've got to be mentally and physically prepared for the season and not get complacent. As much as I love Mourinho (what a breath of fresh air he's been to the Premiership) I think he's the only one to blame if the title is not retained.
I used to hate the wages the players get but I've grown accustomed to it now. The wages are put into perspective when you consider that the average Premieship wage is roughly £15,000 a week. Still more than I earn in a year but it's not all Rio £120,000/week. Mind you, he's paying 40% of that in taxes. You get TV presenters earning the same as Premiership players and they're in the same business - the entertainment industry. Plus where else is the money going to go? Into the pockets of the directors and board members. It certaintly isn't going to go to charity. But I'll agree with the earlier players behaviour comments. There's a bad majority of them that are absolute children and get away with murder.