Beth, my heart was beating so fast, I thought I was going to have a heart attack! When Lidge allowed the hit that Pujols advanced to third on, I just ran to my room so I could watch it alone. What a close and great game! Really makes me appreciate Garner, because Taveras came in as a pinch-runner, and he ended up scoring the go-ahead on the sac fly and making an incredible catch in center!

For anyone who saw the fuss LaRussa made about the strike zone, which he ended up being ejected on, check out the video I took of my dad impersonating him:

My dad as Tony LaRussa

Maybe we were drunk on baseball or something, but he had all of my family cracking up when he put on the sunglasses, because he looked so much like Tony! Then, I gave him a red Ferrari cap to put on, and I put a sticky note with the Cardinal logo on it.

Andrew, please don't jinx it. 1 more game. That's all I can say to myself - over and over - just one more. I'm still praying and cheering, as always.