I have never played yahoo baseball. We locals play the espn game too. We used to play this sandbox league on mlb I think but I havent done that for a few years.

When is the draft day?

Im still thinking about it. Lately I have been hiatus-prone if you haven't noticed and I also have a number of vacations scheduled. Gimme the date of the draft. I will check out the yahoo site if I can. Will have to reasearch that.

As for bets....I believe I still owe you two. Dinners that is. I never welsh - geography is a big factor here. Surely that one poor showing you did in football that one year would cancel out at least one of those dinners.

Ah, I'll mail you some coupons!

I have a tendency to wear my heart on my sleeve -
I have a history of taking off my shirt.....