Here's how I'm gonna do the standings every day:

I'll list everyone in the order of their raw points total, but also indicate how many games you've used, so you have a relative idea of where you stand in relation to everyone else.

On offense, I think everyone will stay pretty close to one another, so it won't make that much of a difference, but in the number of pitching starts used there might
be a big difference.

Also, showing how many pitching starts everyone has used is important in the race to the 162 game maximum in that category.

(BTW, the only thing that good ole Yahoo is not showing us that we need is the number of games we've used at each ofensive position. But since they offered that as a stat modifier - ours, as you know, is 162 - I have to believe that this is a bug which they will work out, 'cuz the same problem would be evident if we had chosen, say, a maximum number of innings pitched for each team).


OPU: "Offensive Players Used". How many starts your offensive players have made for the season. The maximum here for all 9 positions is 1458.

OPTS: "Offensive Points". How many points your offensive players have earned for the season.

SPU: "Starting Pitchers Used". How many starts your starting pitchers have made for the season. The maximum here is 162.

SPTS: "Starter's Points". How many points your starting pitchers have earned for the season.

RPU: "Relief Pitchers Used". How many relief appearances your relief pitchers have made for the season. We really don't need this one in there, since there is no maximum number of appearances, but I figured it would be interesting to have anyway.

RPTS: "Reliever's Points". How many points your relief pitchers have earned for the season.

Total: Total number of points earned for the entire season to date.

Quiz tomorrow.

Sunday & Monday Scores and Tuesday Standings

      OPU  OPTS    SPU  SPTS    RPU  RPTS    Total
CC     9    65      1    24      3     3       92
TM     9    38      2    48      1     6       92
DB     9    48      1    16      2     3       67
PL     9    49      1    15      3     2       66
JG     9    47      3    -4      2    16       59
JL     9    47      3    -3      4    14       58
LZ     6    20      1    14      1     7       41
DA     9    35      3    -3      1     2       34
DJ     5    10      2   -19      1     5       -4
(Note: CC and TM are tied, so I gave the higher waiver priority today to TM, since CC's projected total is higher.)

"Difficult....not impossible"