From the Just For The Record Department:

After JG's failed coup d'etat in trying to get LZ kicked out of the league or have her team frozen or disbanded and having her burned at the stake a la Joan of Arc, LZ IMed me with some "procedural" questions; Stuff about the Disabled List and the "Maximum Number of Games Played at Each Position", which I answered for her.

Also, JFTR, the question of what to do with inactive managers or doormant teams came up during one of the pre-season discussions, and I believe that it was decided at that time that they would simply be left alone.

The only way an inactive manager can hurt the rest of the league is by making bad trades, and I'm not really worried about someone throwing in the towel and then making a deliberately bad trade - or a series of them - to help another player or other players.

Of course, like everyone else, I'm always worried about getting hurt by someone making a really bad trade simply because they got "out-traded", or their logic was, perhaps, a bit "faulty", or whatever (as appeared to be the case in a couple of trades recently), but that's something we just all have to live with.


Friday Scores

A new record set yesterday, as DA's Danys Baez blew a save and took a loss, getting credit for no IPs while giving up 5 ERs, 3 Hits, and 2 BBs.....a whopping -32

And just for good measure, lest Baez feel lonely, DA's Todd Jones also managed to blow a save and take a loss, but for a not-so-devastating score of -17.

      OPU  OPTS    SPU  SPTS    RPU  RPTS    Total
PL     7    20      1    36      4     4       60
TM     7    25      1    14      2     8       47
DB     7    31      0     0      2    10       41
LZ     6    18      1    18      1     2       38
JL     7    28      1     5      0     0       33
JG     7    19      0     0      2    11       30
DJ     6    22      1     7      2    -8       21
DA     6    32      0     0      4   -37       -5
CC     8    17      1   -32      1     9       -6

Current Standings
     OPU  OPTS    SPU  SPTS    RPU  RPTS    Total
JG   475  1513     62   689    109   347     2549
JL   490  1740     65   413    116   307     2460
TM   442  1623     63   632    103   192     2447
PL   473  1699     60   501    121   214     2414
DB   466  1900     59   217    122   253     2370

DA   411  1515     52   594     99   142     2251
DJ   446  1548     62   576     45   117     2241
CC   459  1579     76   403    101   123     2105
LZ   427  1409     42   467     63   132     2008
Friday's Best & Worst

Rodriguez CC -32

Baez DA -32
Jones DA -17

"Difficult....not impossible"