Originally posted by Just Lou:
PL could be giving you 3 other players that are much better than the 3 you'd drop, but I highly doubt that he's doing that.
I'm giving him better players than then those he'd drop.

That's the whole point of the deal for him - that he improves at several positions in exchange for getting weaker at one position.

How could I possibly expect him to make a trade in which he's winding up with worse players than who he has already?

I looked up the details of the famous Lebron trade; it was as follows:

Wallt Szczerbiak
Kyle Korver
Speedy Claxton


Ron Artest
Antoine Walker
Nick Collison
TJ Ford.

All of those players were starting for JG at the time, and although (based on their averages) he lost points on the Lebron for Artest switch, he gained several points more than he lost by replacing the other three guys with the guys I gave him.

Trouble is, Ford got injured after a hot start; Collison stopped playing well and lost his minutes; and Walker, even with decreased playing time, still did better than Korver.

Meanwhile, Lebron raised his average - probably by about 5 FPPG or so – and Sczerbiak suddenly practically doubled his minutes and went off on a hot streak, as he averaged almost 20 FPPG the rest of the season. AAMOF, I had cut Szczerbiak after getting him – His hot streak didn’t start until later and I picked him up on waivers.

It was a fair trade on paper; it just didn't work out for him.

I was able to make that trade because when I analyzed the trade from my POV the same why that I did from his, I wound up with a projection of more FPPG also.

The only two starters I gave up were Ford and Artest, and the gain I figured on by switching Lebron for Artest offset the loss I had by replacing Ford with whoever I replaced him with from my bench.
But if you added up the FPPG averages of the players I sent him, and compared him to the FPPG averages of the guys he gave me (Lebron, plus the 3 others) – if that’s what you want to go by - then he definitely wound up with the best of it on that basis.

I don’t care about giving up the best player in the deal in a 2 for 1 or a 3 or 4 for 1.

As long as I improve my team, and I don’t improve my trading partner’s tem more than my own, I’ll do it.

I’ll even let the other guy improve his team more than I do – as JG did in the deal above, as long as I don’t consider the guy I’m trading with a threat to beat me, based on our point totals at the time of the trade and the amount of time left in the game..

But I never offer deals which aren’t fair- trades which don’t help the other team also.

I don’t think anyone is dumb enough to accept a trade that won’t help them.

"Difficult....not impossible"