First of all, I resent the implication that I was being sarcastic.

Your compaint was different from what I was saying, anyway.

You were complaining that we were giving guys statistics that "didn't appear in the box score", and you later corrected yourself, saying "All right... it wasn't there before, but is now... "never mind!" .

I was saying that the scoring system is unfair to proctor, since he had no chance to earn the +8 for the save, while risking the -6 for the Blown Save.

I certainly wasn't making fun of you, and my feelings are hurt because you though that I was.

I was merely pointing out something that I had observed during the course of the season, and mentioning that I was saving the discussion for the off season when we discuss ways to make next year's game better.

As far as Proctor goes, the problem doesn't have to specificially affect me personally for me to mention it or try to fix it, so don't say "PS - You don't even have Proctor...! What's your complaint?"

My complaint is that it's something unfair in the scoring system. Again, it doesn't have to affect me personally.

I guess using Proctor was a bad example because he pitched tonight.

I used him and Rivera to use pitchers that everyone was familiar with - I didn't intend to use tonight as a specific example- I was speaking in general about these situations in which a guy brought in in a "Hold" situation, who has no chance to get the save - gets charged with the "Blown Save"

As far as the value of the save goes, I still don't see why if a win is worth +7, a Save should be worth more than +2 or +3.

The best SPs get 16-20 wins, the best RPs 40-55 saves.

The -6 for the Save Opportunity is in there only because Yahoo doesn't allow us to assign a negative value to a Blown Save.

Or don't you think that there should be a negative value for blowing a save?

To me, that's one of the most dramatic and horrible negative things that can possibly happen to a team, and there should certainly be a negative consequence when it happens.

And what does any of this have to fo with my not using Wang today?

I don't (or very, very rarely do) whine about those things.

But if I commented and criticized myself and said I was wrong (which I obviously was) to not have used Wang, someone would have said that I was "whining" because I was commenting that I didn't use Wang.

I know how many more starts I need.
I know which SPs I have.
I know more or less who their remaining starts are scheduled against.
I've figured out which of the starts I plan to use to reach my 162.

Wang's start last night wasn't one of them.

I was stupid, you were lucky

Maybe I'll let you visit your Wang soon.

"Difficult....not impossible"