Sunday's Scores & Monday's Probables

I added another stat category to the Probable Pitcher's record - call it "Raw Fantasy Points Per Game" (RFPPG).

What it is is the average number of FPs per start excluding the five points that a pitching staff gets for the win.

We've talked about this (that's why in the Yahoo game you only get credit for the points by the SP), and all at one time or another have expressed the sentiment that a pitcher's W-L record is, to a certain extent, part of a team effort rather than an individual one.

Since we all choose a PS every day based pretty strictly (I believe) on who the SP is, the RFPPG average tells us how many points the SP has earned per game strictly thru his own efforts.

If you want to know his total FPPG average, just multiply his RFPPF total by the number of starts he has (obtainable from the first stat in his line, his team's W-L record in games he has started), add in 5 points for each team win, and then divide by his number of starts (his team's total W-L record in games he has started).

Just for a basis of comparison, here are the leaders as of this morning in RFPPG:

Sabathia 17.0
Webb 16.5
Pedro 16.4
Contreras 14.8
Mussina 14.2

DB  2696  Min  (20)  37  2733  Oak  Haren     5-5  3.91   9.3   
TM  2561  Min  (20)  38  2599  SaF  Morris    3-7  5.49   1.2
JL  2554  Bos  (26)  42  2596  Oak 
PL  2531  Min  (20)  40  2571  Tor  Halladay  8-1  2.77  11.8    
JG  2452  Min  (20)  38  2490  Oak 
CC  2350  StL (-22) -10  2340  Tor  
DC  2212  Atl (-10)  13  2225  LAD  Penny     6-4  2.31  10.6    
GG  2089  Atl (-10)  12  2101  Tor  
SC  2060  Min  (20)  35  2095  LAA  Lackey    4-6  3.50   9.5
LZ  1779  Bos  (26)  41  1820  LAD

"Difficult....not impossible"