The poor ratings reflect the two teams in the Cup.

In one, we see a southern town that places hockey 5th or 6th, probably after poker and lawn bowling, and nobody is watching. Hell, they can barely sell out their arena (if at all).

Edmonton gets more attention, but is still a relatively small town.

I don't really care for either team in the finals. I don't like Michael Peca, the ex-Sabre, and I don't like Carolina because of Laviolette (as well as some other players). Although Carolina is complaining about the game-winner from Game 3, I think its moot considering that the referees *stole* the earlier goal away from Edmonton by blowing the whistle. Speaking of that, it seems like the referees (throughout the playoffs) have been terrible when it comes to blowing the whistle for loose pucks, and this is no different...the ref never blew the whistle (you can't hear it!) yet you can see him repeat "I blew my whistle!").

While it is a bit of sour grapes on my part not seeing Buffalo in the finals (who, I think everyone can agree with, would have been better for ratings and sales, just look at the series with Buffalo TV ratings nationally), but the NHL officiating still is terrible. And until they fix it, they will continue to be the fourth-class citizen of American sports, behind football, basketball, and MLB baseball/college basketball/football.