It may be too late for everyone to change leagues now and ensure that everything is set up by the regular season, but we should really look into moving the leagues to for next year. The set-up is superior to Yahoo in that the league page is filled with much more easily accessible fantasy info, it is much easier to modify the league settings to fit individual leagues, and, the Stattracker is free. It is basically the Sportsline site minus the $150 fee. We used Sportsline for years, but once it became a pay site went to Yahoo, which had its days in the sun, but this past year has became a gigantic piece of shit. Something to think about. For football it may not make a whole lot of difference, but for any baseball league you may do, it will be a huge upgrade. Assuming it's still free next year.

There is no theory of evolution. Just a list of creatures Chuck Norris has allowed to live.