I dont understand why DeNiro cant be used. If the story line has a flashback of Corleone activity in the mid 30s, couldnt DeNiro reprise his role? Use a little make up, and make him look younger?

Is there any chance that this movie instead will focus on Michael Corleone between years of 1970 the opening of the Godfather III. It could show maybe how Michael legitimized many of the Corleone family businesses. I dont know if there would be much intrigue however for that.

The easiest solution seems to be no flashback at all, and just having it be Vincent Corleone running things present day or during the 80s or 90s. This is gonna be tricky, thats the only thing thats for sure.

Also, has anyone contacted Scorcese about doing the movie? I dont want some ametuer doing it.

Fredo, you're my older brother and I love you, but dont ever take sides with anyone against the family again