Sleeping with all those women could have also been a front to hide the fact that he was gay or bisexual. He also had the trophy wife which also tried to hide the fact that he was gay/bi.

And I highly doubt ANYONE (in their right mind, at least) thought that the book was going to be as good as Puzo's book. And if someone expected the book to be good, like everything else with the Godfather name has been, it's because there's such a high standard when it comes to the Godfather.

If you liked the book, that's great, I'm glad someone was able to get enjoyment from it, I wish I could have. But for me, it was still a horribly written book that bastardized the original characters and goes against what we've seen/read before.

I have no doubt in my mind that another writer could have made this a good book. Still not as good as the original book or movies, but a nice look into the gaps between the original book and movies.

What I got did not suffice, and IMO, it never happened.