Originally posted by Don Sonny Corleone:
What the hell was that? Is that oh-so-talented writer trying to get people to discuss other things than his overall shitty attempt at The Godfather, or is he trying to point out the suttle-tys(sorry cant remember how to spell it
)of his book, since the ignorant masses didnt pick up on them? :rolleyes: :rolleyes: I picked up on a few of them, anyway.
What we have to remember, though, is that we here are probably way more critical an audience as he's gonna find anywhere.
IMO, the writing wasn't really
bad, it just wan't particularly good, either.
It was better writing than what you'd find in a "Romance Novel" for example, and as someone who enjoys writing, I have to express a certain amount of admiration for anyone who can create a plot that more or less makes sense, develop a cast of characters, and set it down fairly coherently over some 150,000+ words.
Most of our criticism, I believe, stems from the liberties Weingardner took in changing around certain key aspects of many of the character's personalities, and our disappointment in his failure to advance the plotlines that we were already familiar with but, rather, go off in a bunch of different directions.