It just kills me when people say they love a guilty pleasure movie like Dirty Dancing or Red Dawn or Roadhouse but when Part III is mentioned they crap on it like it's yesterday's business section. I mean, Patrick Swayze wasn't even in Part III!

How many movies are perfect? I mean cripes, most of the movies that are revered as classics aren't perfect... it just so happens that Part I and II are -- and that hurts Part III.

I know Part III isn't perfect, but that doesn't stop a movie from being good, or even great.

YES!!! There are HORRIBLE, HORRIBLE lines uttered in Part III that wouldn't have even been part of the deleted scenes section of the deleted scenes in Part I and II (My lucky coat, I love you cuz, Dad, etc...) but there are scenes of such power and beauty that make you forget all about what came before. The confession, the silent scream, the music, the cinematography... you might habe to dig a little deeper than you'd like... but those nuggest of greatness are there. But the haters refuse to acknowledge them for the most part.

I'm willing to bet that most people here are parents. I'm also willing to bet that a lot of your children have done things that have made you want to give them up for adoption. However, when they do something good, like color you a picture or tell you they love you out of the blue, you forget all about the bad times. That is Part III for me.

I just feel like us Part III lovers are under attack from the haters. I wanted to make my opinion known, and in the process get a hater to seriously sit down and re-watch Part III in a different light.

Well, it's been almost a year and this thread is still floating around... so has any of the haters seen this film ALL THE WAY THROUGH yet?
