Hi Olivant,

I'm a 21 year old girl and I can remember as far back as two years (when I first saw the movies, incidentally) ohwell I don't know anyone as awkward as Mary was in that movie. If she was supposed to be 14, sure, but my age? Nope.
Like I said though, great, she acted like a teenage girl. But, IMHO, she didn't act particularly like Mary Corleone. She was acting like Sophia Coppola, on set with her dad watching.

And as for my admittedly astounding ESP skills cool I'm just saying, from a dramatic standpoint, that one might expect the climax of the third film in an epic trilogy, to be the most cathartic moment of all the hours of film presented to us. Al tries valiantly. Everyone tries valiantly. But once again I am distracted from the tragedy by trying to remember why we're supposed to care about Mary in the first place. confused Fair enough the character they wrote for her was not particularly strong, but even so it could have been improved if FFC hadn't been so indulgent in casting his daughter rather than someone who could act the hell out of a scene.

Senator, we are both part of the same hypocrisy