Originally posted by DE NIRO'S SISTER:
[quote]Originally posted by bogey:
[b] [quote]Originally posted by DE NIRO:
[b] Why is it people keep interfering in threads when they have no intention of playing the game,"just keep out of them if theres no point"
Because apparently you're too thick to realize the hilarity of this thread. [/b][/quote]People go on the games bit of this website because they have an interest in it. So when you come and take fun out of peoples games such as (the capital game and the alphabet game etc) think again. Just go back to where you belong (the discussions boards!!) Thanks

[/b][/quote]Hi there. Please don't tell me where I belong. As I've told you before (and you most definately did NOT pick up on the reference) I was posting on here while you were still going out with cheerleaders. (To which you got ETERNALLY offended that I said you went out with cheerleaders.) Have
I told
YOU to stay out of the General Discussion? No, I haven't. As its not my place to do so. However, I do wish you would.
http://www.gangsterbb.net/ubb/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=6;t=010275;p=1 I'd like you to go there, and review some of the responses. Better yet, look at some of the
people who responded. Then I want you to take a good, long look at this thread. And the
And I didn't touch your precious little capital game.
Quick! What's the capital of STFU?!?
.. I totally went there. omgz lollerz.