A lot of Punch Out fans on here. Count me as one...
Let's see if we all remember what each fighter's weaknesses were... I haven't played this game in years so I'm going off of memory. Let me start.
King Hippo - I remember that you punch him in the mouth, which stuns him, and you repeatedly jab him in the gut.
Glass Joe?
Bald Bull?
You remember what was said when you were just about to finish off your opponent? "Left Right Left Left Body Blow KNOCK HIM OUT!"

Bald Bull. Wasn't he the guy who used to Charge at you? Didn't you have to let him charge you and duck quickly just as he threw his punch and then come up with a counter uppercut and then just pounce him till he went down? The key was to let him charge you and then duck and counterpunch.
Glass Joe. I think that you had to repeatedly hit him low and then when he dropped his arms to cover his body, you just wailed on his Jaw a few times and he was gone.
I wish that they made that game for PSP or PS2. A great classic.
My current favorite is PSP's MLB Showdown.
The wife just bought me NHL '07, but I haven't played it yet.
EDIT : Sorry DMC, I saw your reply AFTER I made this post.
Don Cardi