Thanks for posting this, Don Cardi.

I've been hearing about it all day on the radio...including soundbites of Kerry's backtracking, phony, mudslinging, insincere damage-control rant of a spin today which I assume took place on the Senate Floor. What a crock of shit. It was pretty amusing at times how he tried to turn attention away from his own horribly disrespectful attempt at humor at the expense of our troops. He must've been up all night writing that

Incidentally...I happen to believe that Kerry's wretched joke WAS a "...botched joke about the president and the president's people, not about the troops...".

However, it WAS botched, it DID backfire, it WAS completely inappropriate, and yet one more pitiful statement on a list of many...that Kerry should've thought about before letting it pass through his lips. And I'd like to see him and his like-minded party get all the backlash they deserve.

But remember...we have an incredibly left-wing biased media that may just be low enough to try & protect Kerry with minimal coverage.


A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.