Originally Posted By: Mad Johnny
... People who have poor educations end up in the military because the people who started the war sure as hell won't fight it.

I forget. Was it you who recently came out with the dumbest statement EVER posted on the BB?

If yes, you just managed to top yourself. If not, then you've stolen the crown off some other poor slob.

First of all, your misguided statement about 'people who have poor educations' isn't true.

Second, even if it were true, the wording of Kerry's statement and the mere fact that he said it is blatantly disrespectful and unsupportive of ALL of our enlisted men and women, serving in Iraq and all over the world, regardless of level of education.

To be honest, I consider the statement beneath even John Kerry. It's much more in line with something Howard Dean would say.

The 2004 Presidential nominee and the Chairman of the DMC. There you have it...the selected VOICES of the Democratic Party.

And yes...someone started a thread over this. You got a problem with that, it's too bad.

I hope threads are being started over this on every message board in America.


Last edited by AppleOnYa; 10/31/06 08:58 PM.

A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.