I like how people are just ignoring that this is fact. The military preys on the under educated.

Oh, I wonder why losers who are products of America's failed education system should not be allowed in the military? Something about giving a weapon to an under educated inner city male smacks of sheer stupidity.

Ok, so how many times do I need to say this? Those people are there, under educated, fighting a war started by rich men. There is something basically wrong with that.

Way to take everything out of context "He was insulting our troops! blah blah blah!" No, he's telling the truth, stop freakin out already and figure out how to keep the pedophiles in the Republican party quiet first before you go back on the attack.

- The war is a failure and the American people were lied to
- The Republicans have a lot of nerve to try and make an issue out of this because they have God only knows how many pedophiles running around the Hill. If there's one, then there are more
- People love taking things out of context
- If you love the damn war so much, then show the troops how much you love them and relieve them from the field.

Officially the victim/target of the first and third Non-Aggression Pact attacks #2 is Fathersson # 4 is Double-J

Proud Member of the Gangster BB Bratpack - Fighting Elitism and Ignorance Since 2006

Double-J: may you serve us better from above, smile on from heaven
