Originally Posted By: Mad Johnny
You're kidding me by starting this thread, right? The fact is uneducated people end up in the army. That is an undeniable fact. Inner city kids are the target of recruiters. The military knows they won't go to college because of America's failed education system. The military needs live bodies to go to Iraq because snotty rich Republican kids won't go. Hell, rich Republicans who support the war so damn much should go. But inner city poor with minimal educational experience end up doing the dirty work for rich fat cats.

When posed with either the ghetto or 3 meals a day and pay for grunt work, many choose the grunt work. These people need the money, but no one will hire them because they failed out or were the product of bad schools.

"Our troops did not enlist because they did not study hard in school or do their homework," apparently he didn't study either because that's a double negative and very poorly constructed sentence.

Why am I kidding you starting this thread Johnny? Last time I looked, I was posting from the United States Of America, land of the free, home of the Consitution of The United States Of America. You know, the same constitution that you and your buddies want to quote when advocating the rights of our enemies? You've got to be kidding me here. You want to quote the constitution when it suits your beliefs, but you want to put it away when it protects my rights. Well now that I got that off my chest, let's move on to the subject at hand.

Only uneducated people join the Military? Are you sure about that Johnny? Are you sure that you want to lump all of the Service men and woman into that category?

Yes, it is true that many people who cannot afford a good education turn to the military. I won't deny that. But not ALL soldiers are education deprived or are stupid as you and your buddy Senator Kerry seem to think.

West Point Military Academy requires a four year college education , and a five year active Army commitment. It is probably the most well-known of all commissioning programs, but the hardest to qualify for. To qualify academically at West Point you need to have an above average high school or college academic record.

Are these dumb and uneducated people? I think not.

West Point is just one of many military schools that require a four year college education with above average standards.

But putting all that aside, who the hell are you or John Kerry
( hey, maybe Mad Johnny IS really John Kerry to undermine and belittle the soldiers that are getting blown up on the front lines to protect your ass everyday?

There is absolutely NO EXCUSE for what John Kerry said about our soldiers. You cannot defend him in any way shape or form on this one. Sorry.

Don Cardi

Don Cardi cool

Five - ten years from now, they're gonna wish there was American Cosa Nostra. Five - ten years from now, they're gonna miss John Gotti.