figure out how to keep the pedophiles in the Republican party quiet first before you go back on the attack.

What does that have to do with this issue? Is this the typical way to take the limelight off of what John Kerry said? By bringing up something totally irrelevant to THIS issue?

- The war is a failure and the American people were lied to

Whether Amricans were lied to or not, that is not an excuse for what John Kerry said to undermine the the soldiers that are still fighting a war over there. A compeltely different issue that has absolutely nothing to do with what was said.

- The Republicans have a lot of nerve to try and make an issue out of this because they have God only knows how many pedophiles running around the Hill. If there's one, then there are more

You see, to you it is a political party issue. To me it's an issue about supporting the troops. Doesn't matter to me if a republican or a democrat said this. For me, politcal party is NOT the issue. It is a disgusting thing for ANYONE to say and do to the troops, period.

- People love taking things out of context

Explain to me how this was taken out of context? All you have to do is listen to or read what Kerry said. It's basic comprehension. Common sense. How can you not comprehend what was clearly said? Hey, being that you can't seem to comprehend what was said, according to John Kerry you're now qualified to fight over in Iraq!

if you love the damn war so much....

Where did anyone HERE say that they love the war? For that matter where was it said HERE that they even support the war? Wasn't it John Kerry who said that one can support the troops without supporting the war? Well what happend to that spin?

Talk about Blah Blah Blah.

Yeah yeah, I know, he voted for it before he voted against it.


Don Cardi

Don Cardi cool

Five - ten years from now, they're gonna wish there was American Cosa Nostra. Five - ten years from now, they're gonna miss John Gotti.