You know something? I read these boards quite a bit, and as you can see I don't post very much. But when I see a person who is supposed to be one of the leaders of our country, come out and say what he said about our troops, during a time of war, it just makes me angry. Yes it is a fact that many of the people who the recruiters go after are from less fortunate areas of the country. And while that may be true it does not really mean that those people are uneducated or ignorant. Throughout history there have been many people who have not even received anything over an eighth grade education, and yet many of those people went on to be famous inventors, to have successful buisnesses. So the unschooled education theory is not always a correct one. Of course we should try to achieve the highest level of schooled education possible to help us move on in life, but not everyone has that kind of opportunity or desire. Does that make those who are not fortunate enough to have the ability to achieve the best schooled education possible uneducated? Hardly not. I've been fortunate enough to have spent time with returning soldiers from Iraq and Afghanastan on several occasions and I must tell you that those who I have been with and have come to know were very educated as far as I am concerned. They are far from being stupid or ignorant. Perhaps if Senator Kerry took the time to meet some of these people he would realize that they have experienced things at such a young age that most of us will never experience in a lifetime. Perhaps if Senator Kerry took the time to listen to them, he would realize that they've learned things from their experiences that even the highest level of schooled education could not teach them. The senators remarks were totally uncalled for.

A CowArd Dies a 1000 deaths, a Soldier dies but Once