Originally Posted By: Ice
Originally Posted By: Don Cardi

West Point Military Academy requires a four year college education , and a five year active Army commitment. It is probably the most well-known of all commissioning programs, but the hardest to qualify for.


But West Point IS the four year college education. Going there is like going to college. They have the same minimum requirements as most standard universities and from what I understand gaining admission to West Pt is as simple as meeting college requirements and commiting to the military.

HOWEVER, what they and the military in general these days produce looks more like your pizza boy than Stonewall Jackson or George Patton.

Getting into West Point is not as simple as you may think it is. To get into West Point you need an excellent high school average, you need to be a very well rounded person and you need to be highly recommended. Many of the West Point enrollees have been recommended by former graduates of West Point. You cannot just aplly to West Point and get in there like you would a noraml community college. Most West Point graduates maintain a grade point average of 4.0 or higher, and some of the miltary's best officers are former West Point graduates. It is quite obvious that you are not familiar with the requirements needed for getting into West Point and that you are not familiar as to the quality graduates that West Point produces.

A CowArd Dies a 1000 deaths, a Soldier dies but Once