All I know is, the elections are irrelevant. Term Limits would do so much with helping to get rid of corrupted long-standing figures in the government. Really, you all know I'm right. Even DJ agrees with me.

Why are the elections irrelevant? No political will in other party or even the administration to pull troops from Iraq, or even to get MORE troops (i.e. American, since Iraqi troops are like the Kansas City Royals to our St. Louis Cardinals), since no way any Democratic-held House(if the polls and Robert Novak hold true on tuesday) or a Republican Senate will have the guts or gaul to say that we need a military draft.

We keep trying to install a plurality democracy in a place that increasingly seems to be unable to accept such a thing. Instead, seperate the groups into their own partitioned lines. In fact, give the Kurds independence. Let this Kurdistan be a base for which partisans and nationalists in Kurdish Iran can stir some trouble up in Iran, and then sneak back into this safe state. If the Vietnamese could use CAmbodia on us, we can use Kurdistan on Iran!(and Syria too if they keep pissing us off).

Then whatever is left of Iraq, install a strong man. I know, President Dubya wanted to be to the Middle East like Reagan was to Eastern Europe: Bringer of liberty, milk chocolate, and Nintendo. But when we the United States want stable Iraqi pluralistic democracy more than it seems more Iraqis...yeah, lets get get a Pinochet or a Saddam sequel, get a sweet badassss! oil deal with this new regime, and then be a armed border-buffer against Iran.

Who's with me?