Originally posted by Genco Abbandando:
I definately voted in favor of the flashbacks, but i have a question: last month AMC ran Godfather, Part 2 as their movie of the month, and during it they mentioned something about the original number of flashbacks being cut rather severely from the first run of the movie to what we see now.
Now i don't own any of the DVD reissues of the movie or anything (please forgive me) so i don't know if they were included in a reissue - but what would those scenes have covered?
There are several deleted scenes from GFII.
1)Searching for Vito (Ciccio's men looking for boy)
2)Fanucci Attacked (gets throad cut by punks)
3)Clemenza: "I'm my own boss" (added to cafe scene)
4)Playing The Flute (visit to the gunsmith)
5)Discussing Fanucci (additional Vito truck footage)
6)Reasoning with Signor Roberto (additional footage)
7)Don Vito Corleone (added footage of Roberto visiting Vito)
8)Introducing Hyman Roth (Hyman Suchowski)
9)Vito's Revenge (killing Ciccio's goons)
Just in case you didn't know, our very own Don Malta, the creator of these boards has an additional website that is strictly devoted to The Godfather and anything related. That site can probably answer almost any movie related question that you may have in regards to additional footage, original scripts, photos, fiming locations, timelines, etc.
Here's the link just in case you were not aware of it :
http://www.jgeoff.com/godfather.html Don Cardi