Originally Posted By: long_lost_corleone
Nice, Turi. Any old recordings laying around? What was your sound like? You've got me interested.

I've got some on CD and Minidisc lying around. Back in the Napster days we had it all uploaded but I doubt you'd be able to find anything nowadays. This whole thread just brings it all back to me, we entered and won battle of the band type competitions.

http://www.telegrapharchives.co.uk/fotow...ModifiedTimeAsc That was us 6 years ago. I'm the one at the top looking like a simple kid holding the cheque for £1000. Off topic but I'm off to the guy on the lefts wedding this friday.

Our sound. Ergh, kind of a sign of the time. You know the whole "Nu Metal" era. God I hate that term.

Hang on to it and savour every moment mate. It doesn't last forever and people soon move on. The other four people I hardly ever see nowadays. Apart from me they all moved far away, one even to Japan.

So die all who betray Giuliano