Originally Posted By: Double-J
New York also has been involved in discussions with the agent for free-agent first baseman Shea Hillenbrand. His agent, Dan Lozano, said several teams are interested in Hillenbrand and that discussions have not progressed with any club.

Source: ESPN.com


How retarded can you be? This guy is a cancer in the lockeroom. Andy Phillips is a damn good fielding first baseman. Why are they trying to fuck this up?

I'm a Giants fan and Shea Hillenbrand came to my team midway through last season after all the problems in Toronto. I wouldn't be so quick to call the guy a cancer given the situation in which he left the Blue Jays. I think the fact that the team gave him a hard time for taking time off in order to finalize an adoption of a child, which in the eyes of Hillenbrand and his wife is the same as having a child of their own, was pretty screwed up on Toronto's part.

I wouldn't mind seeing him come back to the Giants, so honestly I'm rooting against your yankees getting him

"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin and Hobbes