A disastrous movie!!!
Because God forbid fictional fabrications "for the sake of entertainment"!!! God forbid historical inaccuracies in Cinema!!!
An end to the sarcasm, then:
Art has no obligation to teach via historical accuracy. In fact, I'd prefer it if it didn't. Watch a documentary, a document, of the event, not a fictionalisation. Or even better, and less lazy, might be to read a textbook.
I love Titanic because of its lavish production design, its visual seduction when I saw it on the big screen, and it is often very tense - I remember the scenes of Winslet in the water-filled corridors vividly. And I haven't seen it in years, so if lingering imagery counts for anything, I must say the film's quite the masterpiece.
I look at "TITANIC" in the same manner that you do; purely entertainment. And I also happen to like it.
Don Cardi