Originally Posted By: Ice
I don't why you have such a hard time admitting this. This team is great but WOULD NOT beat Vince Young, and MIGHT lose to last yr's Penn State team if it were in Happy Valley. I know you want to think that since this team is a national champion that it compares to the teams of a yr ago, but it's just not true. They don't compare to last yr's Texas team, they don't compare to last yr's Ohio St team, and they don't compare to last yr's USC team.

Have you talked to any other Buckeye fans about this? Do they agree with you? Last yr's team (WITH JUSTIN ZWICK AT QB!!) almost beat Vince Young and national champion Texas!!

Tressel is probably about to get his second ring and he deserves it b/c last yr's team should have won it all(if last yr's team won it all you can bet Troy Smith would be in the pros this yr).

Never did I say that this year's OSU team is better than Texas, USC, prior national champions, or other teams from last year. Never did I say that the 2006 Ohio State team could or could not beat Vince Young. I compared the 2006 Ohio State team to the 2005 Ohio State team. What I actually said was that if Troy Smith had played the entire 2005 game vs. Texas, the result might have very well been different.

You are either making shit up or can't comprehend what was written.