Originally Posted By: 90caliber

The purpose of Cicci testifying was to roll out the red carpet for Frankie, not to give incriminating evidence, because what he says does not count as legal evidence.

The purpose of Willie Cicci's testimony was intended to corroborate Pentangeli's future testimony. Cicci's testimony, alone, would not have been enough to bring charges against Michael.

As you said, Cicci's testimony was supposed to roll out the red carpet for Pentangeli's testimony, because when Cicci was testifying, the committee, at that point, was under the impression that Pentangeli was going to tell all, and build a solid case by corroborating what Cicci may have told that committee, even though he could not directly implicate Michael with his own testimony. Cicci's testimony was to be the foundation of the charges, and Pentangeli's testimony would cement that foundation.

Originally Posted By: FrankWhite
wow, 90cal., that would leave one to conclude that it was, indeed, intended, and not an ad-lib (although, cut from the final movie, thus still making it a mistake)

Originally Posted By: 90caliber
a director simply will not let a fresh actor just start making up lines of that kind, i.e. lines which bear so directly on the logic of the plot And if he does let it happen, it will be because he thinks it over and approves of it.

Keep in mind that we, as viewers, are watching the scene as a whole, and within the context of the whole movie. However, when a movie is being shot, it is not neccessarily shot in exact order. Almost evry scene is shot out of sequence. And most times, a small part actor is not given a complete script to read. For all we know Aiello may not have even had any lines. And therefore Aiello may not have even known what the WHOLE idea was or the WHOLE plot was behind that whole movie. Yes, the director will give an idea to the actors of what they are about to shoot right before the actual shooting of that scene. FFC probably gave Aiello and the other small bit actors an idea of what he was trying to convey in that scene, and Aiello may have decided to Ad-lib that line based on what HE thought the scene was going convey in context of the whole movie. And FFC may have watched the film right after that shoot, and realized that it would add a twist to the plot that he was trying to lay out for the movie. Let's remember that there was no GFII book for any of the actors or actresses to read.

Don Cardi

Don Cardi cool

Five - ten years from now, they're gonna wish there was American Cosa Nostra. Five - ten years from now, they're gonna miss John Gotti.