DC, we already know the reason for our celebration is different, but here's what you said:


If you have doubts that Jesus is God, then you cannot truely celebrate the "True Meaning" of Christmas because as you yourself said you recognize Jesus as being only a prophet, and that it is just a prophets birthday.

And of course, I asked you, who's there to say which one is the true meaning, which you dodged answering.

I celebrate miraculous birth of a person who was born from a virgin mother touched by no man and talked in the cradle. You celebrate birth of God and savior. I put a question mark on what I believe and what you do as I'm not sure which one of them is right, or even if they are both just heartwarming stories. Nonetheless, I think everyone can celebrate for a good cause, even if they disagree about the meanings and origin.

Still, you told me I couldn't truly celebrate the "True Meaning" of Christmas. Well, stop me. Merry Christmas!

"Fire cannot kill a dragon." -Daenerys Targaryen, Game of Thrones