I find it funny that one can be "tolerant" and have "free speech" as long as it's in line with the far-left mindset. At any rate, those who don't want to believe that Jesus is God in-the-flesh, or don't believe in God at all, or believe you can pick-n-choose whatever god you want, or science is your god, that's fine...then you can go to Hell (according to my belief) if that's what you choose to do. But why can't believers be given equal footing in the speech department? And why is the believer's view called contemptible when it should be given just as much respect and validity as other viewpoints? I don't care how "backward" you think it is, or how "intolerant." I really don't care. But the fact is, I've just as much a right to believe it and express it as you have to believe yours. And yes, evangelization IS a mandate of the Christian belief. I'll tell a person once about the saving grace of God through Jesus Christ. If he wants to believe it, great; if he wants to "'dis" it, that's fine by me. Either way, I've done my part: I've told him. What he does or doewsn't do with it is his business. HE'S accountable for what he's been given at that point, not me.

But the original topic here was the whole Merry Christmas versus Happy Whatever. Now folks have gotten into, "Well, Jesus was probably born in July," and, "Well, Christmas trees are pagan in origin," etc., etc., etc. But the bottom line is, Dec. 25th is the day that was set aside to celebrate the birth of Jesus, the Messiah and Savior of the entire world. Just as Feb. 2 was set up for Groundhog Day, July 4th Independence Day, etc. So, believe whatever you have to believe (or NOT believe) about Christmas. You still have to come back to the realization that it was originally set aside for the forementioned celebration. Put whatever disguises you want on it, but it's still about Jesus Christ. 'Nuff said, and Merry Christmas.

"Vaya con Dios, Castle. Go with God."
"God's going to sit this one out." The Punisher (2004)