Originally Posted By: fathersson
Originally Posted By: Double-J
The 2004 Red Sox team is still the most expensive world champion team to be fielded in history.

Shame on you D-J, you are sounding more and more like Irishman, and that my friend is NOT GOOD.
Please, don't whine like he does, PLEASE?

and just to twist those words back around.
Yes, and the Yankees are the most expensive team fielded to NOT win the World Championship.

Wow, you people really let those Boston fans get to you, don't you.

The whining is way to much for us avg. posters to stand.
The greatest thing about last years season was watching the Yankees lose and go home, broken down by what had been the worst team in baseball the year before.

Now please don't take this as a shot against the Yankees, it is not. The sweet smile that crossed my face that night was for good old Irishman. Nothing shuts him up like when the Yankees take a good old ass kicking.

He then has to come back with "what about" this or that. Whinning all the way.

Oh, and if this is knocking another BB poster, I will take my banning like a man!

My point was merely an open opine against the countless Boston fans who will still hide being their false wool of "david," when in reality, they are no better than the Yankees, and the Matsuzaka signing proves it.

The argument is also indicting the media, who tend to (especially after the A-Rod, Johnson, and Abreu trades) tell the whole world that the Yankees are bad for baseball, etc. etc. etc. And yet, the Matsuzaka signing, which is almost as egregious as A-Rod's salary, imho, is being hailed as some sort of handshake between America and Japan and all this other lovey-dovey crap, when you know if the Yanks had won the rights to Matsuzaka, it would have been an uproar and firestorm towards the Yankees and the commissioner for the posting system and the lack of parity.

Originally Posted By: FS
Yes, and the Yankees are the most expensive team fielded to NOT win the World Championship.

But the point is that the Yankees don't deny their free-spending ways, while the Red Sox line their pockets with millions and cry poor mouth in the unemployment line and then call the Yankees the "Evil Empire." See my abovementioned Epstein quote.

And I don't see how the Yankees "took an ass kicking" last night. Hell, they weren't even the #2 bidders in the Matsuzaka race. The OTHER NY team was. And I guess if not overspending on an unproven free agent is losing, then the Yankees got crushed.