Darryl Strawberry Becomes Dr. Phil
How dysfunctional are things in the Yankees' clubhouse? Even Darryl Strawberry thinks it's messed up.

"I think the Yankees' problem is they just don't support each other," Strawberry said yesterday. "Back in the day we all supported each other. I think they need to get back to that. The talent is there, but everyone seems like they go their own separate ways."

Strawberry, the former Met and Yankee who once brawled with Mets teammate Keith Hernandez during the team's spring training photo day, was at a news conference in lower Manhattan to promote a film in which he will appear in 2008.

But when asked by reporters about the current Yankees, Strawberry had plenty to say -- especially about the Derek Jeter-Alex Rodriguez relationship.

"Jeter and A-Rod are two class acts in baseball, and I would hope they would put their relationship back together," Strawberry said. "They've got to come together. It's time for them to mend that relationship. Both of them are leaders and they need to come together as leaders and bring the Yankees back up to par."

Strawberry said that the Yankees' lack of chemistry comes through when he watches them play on TV.

"They've separated themselves as individuals," he said. "A-Rod is a big part of that team. He's a great player, a great person, but they need to embrace him. It's kind of sad they haven't done that. You hate to see that because he's part of helping you win, and you need to embrace every piece to win. I hope Jeter would embrace him this year and bring him into the circle as part of the Yankees family. If Jeter does it, everybody else will respond."

Strawberry echoed a popular sentiment about Rodriguez and the way he's been "handled" by New York and by his own teammates.

"A-Rod's a great guy, man. He's a sensitive guy," Strawberry said. "You don't get booed in Texas. You don't get booed in Seattle. You come here, the pressure's on. The team needs to embrace him. They need to make him feel he's part of the Yankees, not an outcast."

Strawberry also scoffed at the notion that Rodriguez hasn't performed up to expectations as a Yankee.

"He won the MVP two years ago -- what do they mean it's not working out?" Strawberry said. "He hit 35 (homers) and drove in 100 (runs). What do they mean it's not working out? He hasn't performed like Jeter has in the playoffs, but Jeter's a different breed."

The film in which Strawberry will appear is based on Yankees adviser Ray Negron's children's book, "The Boy of Steel," which will be adapted into a television special and DVD and a live-action movie. The movie will begin filming in September for a 2008 release, and Strawberry will play a cancer patient.

The Yankees hope to "introduce" Andy Pettitte at a news conference this week at Yankee Stadium. Pettitte, the former Yankee who agreed to a two-year, $32 million free-agent deal with the team two weeks ago, had his physical exam yesterday in New York, and as of last night the Yankees were still waiting for some test results before scheduling the news conference.

Japanese left-hander Kei Igawa, who has agreed to a five-year, $20 million contract after the Yankees bid $26 million for the rights to negotiate with him, is also slated to take a physical this week. But his signing won't be made official today, and he might not have his introductory news conference until after Jan. 1.


In their continuing search for a first baseman, the Yankees have contacted free-agent second baseman Mark Loretta about the idea of changing positions and manning first base for them.

"It's something that kind of recently came up," said Loretta's agent, Bob Garber. "I think he's being patient and waiting for the right opportunity."

Loretta batted .285 and made the All-Star team last year, in his first and only season with the Boston Red Sox. He actually played 11 games at first base for Boston in 2006, and for his career has played 171 games at first base, 171 at third, 328 at shortstop and 731 at second base. The Houston Astros and Texas Rangers are the teams that so far have shown the most interest in Loretta.

A baseball official close to the situation said the Yankees' efforts to land lefty reliever Mike Gonzalez in exchange for Melky Cabrera seemed to be "fading away."

The Yankees announced that Dave Miley, who managed their Triple-A Columbus team last year, would return for a second year as their Triple-A manager. This year, the Yankees' Triple-A team will play in Scranton-Wilkes Barre. Miley's coaching staff includes former Yankee players Butch Wynegar (hitting coach), Dave Eiland (pitching coach) and Alvaro Espinoza (infield coach).

D-Straw, telling people how things are supposed to be? Have another snort.

Anyways, I do think he is partially right. Jeter should be the bigger man and try and reestablish some chemistry with A-Rod and the rest of the gang. Getting Pettitte back and hopefully resigning Bernie should help this cause. If it takes having to have a fistfight out behind Yankee Stadium between A-Rod and Jeter, so be it. But if A-Rod is going to remain in NY, then something has to be done to get his head in the right place (surprised that such a statement can be fit in the same post as a D-Straw's name, right? )