Originally Posted By: BDuff
I doubt we will see much of Johnny Sac at all this season, I really hate how Chase just put him in prison for 15 years. I think there will be a war between Phil and Tony. I like most of the characters...except for Artie Bucco.

Odds for Death for the Final 9

Paulie Walnuts (cancer) 2-1
Benny Fazio (typical war time casualtie) 4-1
Tony Soprano(it is the final season...) 6-1
Carlo Gervasi (see Benny Fazio)
Phil Leotardo (I want to see him dead!) 10-1
Bobby Baccala (Phil wants to take down a high ranking Soprano member.) 12-1

I think its interesting how you think Phil has a less chance of dieing than Tony.....With Phil's attitude something's gotta happen.

Though I do agree that they HAVE to end the series' with a war. There have been no real big wars in the series yet.