I think I should play the part of Michael.
CUT TO: Don Malta's chatroom. The Don is looking at windows xp.
DON MALTA : She came all the way from "under there" to come to the gangsterbb dinner; I told you she was going to come.
SC : It's been two years; she's probably in trouble again.
DON MALTA : She's a good goddaughter. SC, I want you to find Cardi. Tell him to come to the chatroom.
BOGEY : I don't know what to do. My voice is -- is weak. It's weak. Anyway, uh, if I had this part in the picture, ya'know, it puts me right back up on top again. But this, uh -- this man out there, he won't give it to me; the head of the studio.
DON MALTA : What's his name?
BOGEY : The Mob -- The Mob. He -- He won't give it to me -- and ah, he says there's no chance. No chance.
CUT TO: SC using the search option looking for Cardi on the gangsterbb.
SC : (through a PM) : Cardi? Cardi?
[Cardi and SB are going at it in the general discussion forum. Having a political debate. SC goes in there, then makes a post]
SC : Cardi? Cardi you in here?
CARDI (stopping the debate) : What?
SC : Old man Malta wants to see you.
CARDI : Yeah, one minute.
[SC smiles, and logs out, as Cardi and SB continue their debate]
BOGEY (as SC quietly enters the Don's chatroom) : A month ago he bought the movie rights to this script. A rough draft -- and the main character, it's a character just like me. I uh -- I wouldn't even have to act -- just be myself. Oh, Godfather, I
don't know what to do. I don't know what to do.
DON MALTA : You can act like a woman!
(then, after spanking Bogey)
What's the matter with you? Is this how you turned out? A Hollywood finocchio that ah cries like a bitch?
(then imitating Bogey, as SC giggles)
What can I do?! What can I do?!
What is that nonsense? Ridiculous.
[Cardi enters the room]
DON MALTA (to Bogey, after seeing Cardi enter the chatr room):
You spend time with your gangsterbb family?
BOGEY : Sure I do.
(to Bogey, but toward and about Cardi)
Good. 'Cause a BB memeber who doesn't spend time with his or her gangsterbb family can never be a real bb member.
(then, to Bogey)
You look terrible. I want you to eat. I want you to rest a while. And in a month from now, this -- Ottawa bigshot's gonna give you what you want.
BOGEY : It's too late, they start shooting in a week
DON MALTA : I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse.
CUT TO: SC arrives in Ottawa by plane, takes a cab, then walks by foot through THE MOB's International Pictures. Music: "Manhattan Serenade" plays -day
THE MOB (who's just walked toward SC): All right, start talking.
SC : Uh, I was sent by a friend of Bogey's-- Her friend is my client, who'd give his undying friendship to Mr. Mob, if Mr. Mob would grant us a small -- favor.
THE MOB : Mob is listening.
SC : Give Bogey the part in that new GFIII film you're starting next week.
THE MOB (laughs, then) :And ah, what favor would ah your friend ah grant Mr. Mob?
SC: You're gonna have some log in problems on the gangsterbb; my client could make then disappear. Also, one of your top stars has just moved from ah marijuana to heroin...
THE MOB : Are you trying to muscle me?
SC: Absolutely not.
THE MOB : Now listen to me, you smooth-talking son-of-a-bitch! Let me lay it on the line for you and your boss, whoever he is. Bogey will never get that movie! I don't care how many -
- daigo guinea WOP greaseball gumbahs gangsterbb members come out of the internet!
SC: I'm German-Irish...
THE MOB : Well let me tell you something my Kraut Mick friend, I'm gonna make so much computer trouble for you, you won't know what hit your laptop!
SC: Mr. Mob, I'm a moderator, I have not threatened you.
THE MOB : I know almost every big moderator on the internet, who the hell are you?
SC: I have a special practice; I handle one client -- Now you have my e-mail address; I'll wait for your e-mail -- By the way, I admire your pictures very much.
[SC shakes The Mobs' hand, then leaves]
CUT TO: Later, SC and The Mob walking around Mob' apartment. "Manhattan Serenade" plays
THE MOB : Why didn't you say you worked for Malta, SC? I thought you were just some cheap two-bit hustler Bogey was running in trying to bluff me.
SC : I don't like to use his name unless it's really necessary.
Don Malta is Bogey's godfather. To the gangsterbb people, that's a very religious, sacred, close relationship.
THE MOB : I respect that; just tell him he should ask me anything else. But this is one favor I can't give him.
SC : He doesn't ask a second favor once he's been refused the first, understood?
THE MOB : You don't understand. Bogey never gets that movie. That part is perfect for her; it'll make her a big star. And I'm gonna run her out of the business, and let me tell you why.
(then, after he stands)
Bogey ruined one of Mob International's most valuable proteges. For five years we had him under training. Singing lessons; acting lessons, dancing lessons. I spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on him. I was gonna make him a big star! And let me be even more frank, just to show you that I'm not a hard-hearted man, and it's not all dollars and cents. He was beautiful; he was young, he was innocent. He was the greatest piece of ass my female assistant ever had, and she had'em all over the world! And then Bogey comes along with her olive- oil voice, and gothic charm. And he runs off. He threw it all away just to make me look ridiculous! And a man in my position can't afford to be made to look ridiculous! Now you get the hell outta here! And if that gumbah tries any rough stuff, you tell him I ain't no internet administrator! Yeah, I heard that story....
SC : Thank you for the dinner and a very pleasant evening. If your car could take me to the airport; Don Malta is a man who insists on hearing bad news immediately.
[SC nods, then exits]
CUT TO: pan of exterior of The Mob's apartment, music is a variation of the Title Theme, then we see the interior of The Mobs' bedroom. Mob awakens in a pool of electronic parts, and finds his computers'severed screen in his bed; and SCREAMS ah - ah - ah - ah - ah! -dawn
Don Cardi