We all know TIS never likes to draw attention to herself (with the possible exception of when someone tries to crash the line in front of her at a breakfast buffet) but she became a grandmother (for the third time) yesterday.

TIS posted the good news in the "Random Post" thread and I know many of you don't bother reading that so I'm copying her original message here.

Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette
I am very happy to announce the birth of my third grandchild! Born yesterday to my daughter and son-in-law was little Evan Scott (The first male grandchild). He weighed in at at 7 lbs 12 0z and is 19" long. A truly beautiful baby!!! Mother (although very tired) and baby both doing great. There's nothing quite as beautiful as holding a brand new life in your hands. Awesome!!!! Thanks for letting me share!!


The replies that were received over there follow:

Originally Posted By: Beth E
Woo hoo! We were wondering since your post what the outcome was. You should start your own thread so that some who may not come to this thread will get your wonderful news. Now we'll have 3 people to wish a happy birthday on January 6th.

Originally Posted By: SC
Thats wonderful news, TIS!!

I'm very happy for you.


Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
Grandma TIS!!!!! That's terrific!! Congratulations! As Melanie says in Gone With the Wind, The BEST days are the days that babies come!!

God bless Evan Scott!!

Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette
Thanks guys!! Yea, it's so exciting. I went with my daughter to to doctor's on Thursday. The doctor examined her and said, "I'm surprised you're still walking." The baby was so ready that he told her to go to the hospital on Saturday at 5:00 a.m. but thought she'd have it even sooner. She had no real symptoms to speak of except some not too bad irregular contractions

I've been at her house the since then watching the other two grandkids and trying to help her out by cleaning, cooking, etc. so she wouldn't have a lot to do when she got home. Can you believe they now release you 24 hours after delivery??? I can't get over that. She delivered yesterday at 2:30 p.m. and was home today by 2/3:00.

I do admit however, I am exhaused!!!

