Originally Posted By: Turnbull

Last year, one of our sharp-eyed posters spotted Questadt in the businessmen’s meeting with Batista—sitting in a chair right behind Roth. There was absolutely no logical reason for Questadt to be in that scene—none whatsoever. What’s more, if Michael had noticed him there, he’d have known he “belonged to Roth”; and when Questadt turned up as the Senate lawyer, Michael would never, ever have perjured himself. So what happened? Sure enough, another poster turned up an earlier version of the script in which Tom and Michael refer to Questadt before the Havana meeting as someone who could help them with Geary and gaming matters in Nevada. Evidently the businessmen’s meeting scene was filmed while that script was still operative. Later, FFC reconsidered and dropped that idea, reserving Questadt solely as the Senate lawyer. But he retained the scene with Questadt sitting behind Roth—probably because he didn’t want to have to reshoot it, and figured that nobody’d notice Questadt in it. Of course, he hadn’t counted on the sharp-eyed people on these Boards!

I don't know if it's intentional but you posted that EXACT paragraph IN THIS THREAD on 12-8. BTW your cut and paste skills are marvelous these days.

But I'm glad we're still keeping you awake out there!

Last edited by Ice; 01/08/07 03:18 AM.