Aw!! Thanks SC!

Yes, a "masculine" child is quite new. I am certain, having had two nephews, that I changed a diaper or two, however it's been many many years. When it came time for a diaper change, the two other little ones (ages 4 & 2) and my other daughter and I gathered around like it was an "event"

. We waited for the other little ones to make some comment and they didn't let us down. They pointed and said "What's that?"
Btw, this cracked me up. My daughter heard from someone in the hospital that there is this cone shaped thingy that you put over a little boy baby so you don't get sprayed. Do you know what it's called? A "PeePee Teepee".

Thanks for all the good wishes. Events like this are impossible for me "not" to share. You guys are wonderful!!!