Q&A With Randy Hendricks
Source: Houston Chronicle

Agent for Clemens, Pettitte, etc., discusses baseball, his players, and the outlook for 2007

Q&A: Agent Hendricks discusses Clemens, Pettitte

Randy Hendricks, whose star clients include Roger Clemens, Andy Pettitte and Jason Schmidt, has been one of the most prominent baseball agents in America since the early 1970s, when he and his brother, Alan, started Hendricks Sports Management in the 1970s.

One of the trailblazers in fighting salary arbitration and the owners' collusion, he has often been rated among the most powerful folks in baseball. And as his bio states at http://www.hendricks-sports.com reminds us, "He has been named to the Sporting News list of 100 Most Powerful People in Sports, including most recently 2003."

An honors graduate of the University of Houston Law School, Hendricks took some time from his schedule to answer some questions regarding Clemens, Pettitte and the state of baseball in Houston.

QUESTION No. 1: This has been a pretty busy winter for you. You have landed some great deals for Russ Springer, Jason Schmidt and a guy named Andy Pettitte. What are your thoughts about the recent spending spree in baseball?

ANSWER: One can always find a correlation between player salaries and revenues in the game. As revenues go up, so do salaries. This has been true for 30 years, so the recent increase in salary levels comes as no surprise. Revenues of $5.2 billion were reported by the 30 clubs in 2006. This is an average of $173 million per club.

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QUESTION No. 2: What is up with Roger Clemens?

ANSWER: Nothing is really new with Roger. Fans need to keep in mind that he intended to retire after the 2003 season. Then, for a lot of reasons, he decided to play for the Astros in 2004. After evaluating the variables, Roger decided in early December 2004 to play again for the Astros in 2005. Roger was pretty beat up after the 2005 season (and really in late August, September and the playoffs in 2005). So he wasn't sure he could or should play another year.

I suggested shortening the season for 2006 so he would not put so much wear and tear on his body. He probably would have retired, except he wanted to play for the USA in the World Baseball Classic. He felt good after that. Koby hurt his hand and needed rehab, so Roger and Koby worked out together in early May of 2006. Roger felt good, he enjoyed his time with Koby, so he decided to take me up on the shortened season recommendation. As everyone knows, he pitched one game at class A (with Koby), one at AA and one at AAA before starting on June 22 in Houston. Roger had several choices, as everyone knows. The Rangers, Yankees, Red Sox and Astros all made known their desire to sign Roger. So did other teams. Ultimately, Roger chose to sign with the Astros.

Roger has very much enjoyed his time with the Astros. He has no complaints with the management or the way in which he has been treated. He is most appreciative of the relationship.

Hendricks and Roger Clemens go way back. This was taken while Clemens was with the Blue Jays in 1998.

He has to decide what he wants to do for 2007. He hasn't decided. If he does play, it will only be for the Astros, Red Sox or Yankees. He needs to sort through all of the variables, again. One positive is that he came out of 2006 season feeling really good physically.

From my standpoint, and keep in mind that I am an Astros season ticket holder, the most discouraging part with the Astros has been the very poor run support in 2005 and 2006. That puts an incredible amount of pressure on a pitcher to never give up a run, which means a pitcher cannot give himself the luxury of making more than one mistake. I am sure many Astros fans, like me, would expect that the team would think "hey, Roger is pitching, so we'll win; all we have to do is score a few runs."

Instead, the team plays uptight offensively behind him and just seems to have settled into this bad pattern. Hopefully, if Roger plays for the Astros in 2007, that will change.

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QUESTION No. 3: If you had to guess, will Roger pitch again? Where?

ANSWER: I think it is more than 50/50 that Roger will play in 2007, but for a shortened season. As I said, it will be for the Astros, Red Sox or Yankees. I don't think any team is really ahead. Obviously, Houston has the home field advantage. One of the nice things during Roger's time playing for Houston has been how outstanding the fans have been. One of the reasons he decided to play for the Astros was the large number of Houston fans who asked him to do so

QUESTION No. 4. I'm pretty sure I'm right, but some fans want to clarify the status of Roger Clemens' personal services contract. Because the deal only kicks in after he retires, it is correct that Roger can play elsewhere without breaking that contract, correct?

ANSWER: Roger's personal services contract with the Astros starts the year after he retires. He can play elsewhere in 2007 (the same was true last year) and it won't affect his personal services contract. The Astros understand Roger's history with the Red Sox and Yankees. He thinks highly of all three teams, and there is nothing wrong with that. And it is fair to say that all three teams think highly of him.

After all, I have made the case, as have others, that he is the greatest pitcher in the history of baseball. He should be considered a local treasure by Houstonians, not someone to boo if he were to play elsewhere for a year.

After all, Nolan Ryan left the Astros to play for the Rangers and everyone loves Nolan.

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QUESTION No. 5: What do you think of the state of baseball in Houston? By that, I mean the Astros, UH, Rice, Texas A&M baseball and the high schools? Do you anticipate another year of top draft picks coming out of this area?

ANSWER: The quality of baseball played in Houston is as good as anywhere in the world. I am continually impressed with how good our local players are, both in college and high school. There are a lot of good coaches and instructors in our area, who only help make these gifted players better. Many players play on all star teams, and they seem to push themselves to play even better. I will always take my chances with the players we have in Texas. California and Florida rank highly as well on talent.

Given the abundant talent pool in our state, it is no wonder that we have so many good high school and college teams. Every year, we have several local high school teams that are good enough to be state champion, only they can't get out of the Houston area in the playoffs.

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QUESTION No. 6: You and I both share a healthy respect for Andy Pettitte. Moreover, I've told you that I thought Andy received a bad rap from some fans who don't realize that Pettitte's decision would have actually been made for him if he the Jon Garland trade had not been canceled after the Astros and White Sox had agreed to the players that would be exchanged. (The White Sox pulled out after reviewing the medical reports about Taylor Buchholz?)

ANSWER: The reaction by many people is disappointing to me and Andy. It is like they forgot the last three years. Both Boston and Anaheim offered him $52 million three years ago. He signed with Houston for $31.5 million. How many fans would have turned down over $20 million guaranteed just to play at home? Andy did. He is glad he did. It was good for everyone. Why some people cannot be grateful for the past three years is difficult to accept.

More to the point, the Astros were more worried about Andy's elbow than were the Yankees. The opposite was true three years ago. That irony is not lost on me. The Astros initially offered Andy a substantial pay cut, for the record. Then, their best offer was the lowest one we had. So it was clear as could be to me that the Astros had a lot of reluctance on Andy, and I attribute that mostly to medical concerns.

Andy is so sensitive that being a free agent has not been easy for him. He hates to disappoint people or to hurt their feelings. So he was torn three years ago, and he was torn, again, this year. First, he wasn't sure he would be healthy enough to play. Second, he wasn't sure his family would want him to play. Third, he wasn't sure he should play due to his father's heart condition. So he needed a lot of time to decide. Meanwhile, the Astros and I had an understanding that the Astros should go ahead and do what they needed to do while Andy decided.

They could have signed Woody Williams, which they did, and traded for Jon Garland, which they almost did, and they then would have told Andy there was no room for him. That would have been acceptable to us because of the circumstances of his indecision.

Andy decided to play in early December, but he wanted a player option for 2008 so he wouldn't have to go through being a free agent again at the end of next year. He said he wouldn't exercise the option if he were hurt and unable to play. The Yankees accepted this and the Astros did not. The Yankees said they would accept Andy's word and the Astros said, in essence, they wouldn't or couldn't. The Astros' reaction was to try to trade for Garland; the Yankees' was to say "when do you want to sign?" Now you tell me, what would you have done in the same situation?

Hendricks joined Andy Pettitte in Deer Park for the announcement of the pitcher's return to New York.

The Astros were as hesitant this year as the Yankees were three years ago. The Yankees were as aggressive this year as the Astros were three years ago. It shows that we are all people, and respond well to people or companies that say they want and need us.

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QUESTION No. 7: How is Pettitte doing?

ANSWER: Andy feels really good. Fans need to remember how unnatural it is to pitch, meaning it is not the right thing to do, medically speaking. So pitchers break down and wear out. A lot of times veteran pitchers need several months off just to start feeling all right and to recharge their batteries. Fans may think it is a game, but they don't understand there is no reason to play such a game. A player is better off saying he is ready, willing and able to play, in order to maximize his market value, than saying he is not sure if he will play or where he will play. It is not us asking for press attention. It is the press or fans who are reacting to the uncertainty. But that uncertainty is a product of what I described, not some contrived game.

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QUESTION NO. 8: What does it say about the Yankees' decision to sign Andy Pettitte and trusting his elbow one month and then trading Randy Johnson the next month?

ANSWER: It says in bright lights on Broadway that they would rather have Andy Pettitte, and his elbow, than Randy Johnson and his back. Keep in mind, though, that Randy Johnson expressed to the Yankees an interest in going to Arizona, just as he did after he played for the Astros for two months in 1998. Andy is a proven post season winner under the glare and pressure of New York. The Yankees have been missing that attribute since Andy left.

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QUESTION No. 9: You've had quite a successful career. How much longer do you want to do this? What do you view as the highlight of your career?

ANSWER: I love my profession and intend to continue it indefinitely. As for highlights, fighting for free agency for players, when none existed, fighting against collusion by the owners, setting arbitration and contract records, and the relationships I have enjoyed with people, including clients, non player clients, people in management, people in the media and fans, have been notable. I love baseball and enjoy the people connected with it. Some times the competition brings out a lot of emotion, and that goes with the landscape. I don't hold grudges and move on down the road to the next situation.