SB, thanks for the good review of Jon's book! I was already laughing aloud at the small part I read, so I hope I don't scare off my classmates when I read it at school. I can't recall if I've already asked, but do you ever catch his show?
Mig, we aren't getting any snow, but it was wet and icy enough for them to cancel school today! I get to play "hero" with my cat by rescuing him from the cold.
DA, thanks!!! That was great.

Makes me want to watch that again...and also makes me wish we had him as a "mascot" for the Astros since we're all about the Killer Bees. haha
Zia, thanks...we'll just be cheesy together,
without CS, because he obviously can't handle it.
Hey, by the way, I just looked back at the thread I made about Saving YouTube videos, and I realized that I'd totally forgotten to reply to your post. You had edited it, so I guess I didn't need to, but I felt bad for never writing. I wasn't ignoring you!

Come to think of it, maybe I was just avoiding the General discussion forum. People never respect me here or appreciate my rare and special posts, so I usually just hide out in sports.